PMT vs. Product Manager

今天來說明一下亞馬遜的 PMT (Product Manager Tech) 跟 Product Manager 差別在哪裡、你該如何判斷自己適合哪一種、面試常見問題吧!

2 min readFeb 28, 2022
Photo by Tool., Inc on Unsplash

1. 【PMT vs Product Manager 的差別】

一般科技公司只有 Product Manager, 只有亞馬遜有把 Product Manager 細分為 PMT (Product Manager Tech)vs. Product Manager。這兩個工作最大的差別就是【Tech】。

【PMT】大部分時間會和 dev team 密切合作、一起開發新產品,這其中就包含要寫 PR FAQ, Business Requirement Doc (BRD), 做 User Research /Usability Study,然後跟Marketing/PR合作如何將新產品推廣出去。

【Product Manager】 比較少直接跟 dev team 合作,多半是和 PMT 合作,提產品要求給PMT,請PMT加進去BRD裡面,當產品開發完成後,Product Manager 和 Marketing/PR 合作將產品推廣出去。

一般來說,我比較常看到的是 PMT 在總部,或是有dev team 的地方,而 Product Manager 比較多是在各個國家,蒐集當地用戶需求,然後反饋給總部。

當然也有一些在西雅圖團隊的Product Manager,明明是做PMT的工作,缺是掛著Product Manager title, 這一般是跟團隊領導的 preference 有關。

2. 【自己適合 PMT 還是Product Manager?】

如果你先前有許多和dev team 密切合作、開發新產品的經驗,或是你有 computer science 的背景,那你比較適合PMT。

如果你之前的背景比較傾向於 marketing, PR, market research, market analysis, 那佳莉姐建議你考慮 Product Manager 的工作。

另外你也要考量你找工作的地區,如果你在HQ、有 dev team 的地區,那PMT 工作機會會多很多,如果你在區域性辦公室,那 Product Manager 的工作會比較多。

3. 【面試常見問題】

PMT vs. Product Manager的面試差不多,最大的差別在於 PMT 面試時會測你的 technical skill,以及你整理 roadmap 的能力。

先說佳莉姐在面 Product Manager 時,常考的問題吧!

A) Give me an example you turned voice of customers into a product solution.

a. How did you collect the voice of customers?

b. How did you identify the top ones to focus?

c. What did you do to verify if the solution could address the problem?

B) Give me an example you proposed a solution after evaluating multiple options.

a. What criteria did you use to evaluate these options?

b. Why is the proposed solution better than the other options?

C) Give me an example you used data to propose a solution.

a. What data did you use?

b. What did the data say?

c. What did you do to verify if the data is right?

d. Why did you believe this is a right solution?

D) Give me an example you received a lot of push back when you proposed a new solution.

a. What push back did you receive?

b. What did you do with the push back?

c. How did you determine if you should escalate?

d. How many people pushed back?

面 PMT 時就是會多考一些 technical skill assessment,以及如何管理 roadmap。亞馬遜的 tech skill assessment 要的是看你是否能和 dev team 溝通,跟你有沒有 CS 背景完全沒關係。

以下是佳莉姐面 PMT時,可能會問的問題:

E) Give me an example you worked with a dev team to deliver a complex solution.

a. What’s the customer problems you’re trying to solve?

b. What is the solution?

c. Give me an example you communicated your requirement with the dev team.

d. How many engineers did you have for this solution? How long did it take?

F) Give me an example you had different opinion with your dev partners.

a. What did you do to resolve the conflict?

b. What’s the lessons learned?

G) Give me an example how you prioritized your roadmap

a. What are the key criteria you used to prioritize?

b. What did you do to communicate with your stakeholders?

c. Did you receive any push back? How did you handle it?



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【面試準備- Customer Obsession】

【亞馬遜面試常見錯誤 上】


