

3 min readApr 1, 2022
Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash


135 Marketplace (賣家團隊)

76 AWS

47 Ads

28 Transportation Service

25 Student Programs

22 Amazon Devices

22 Fulfillment and Operations

10 Finance and Global Business Services

10 HR

9 Operations Tech

7 Business and Corp Development

2 Amazon Customer Service

2 Customer Experience and Business Trends

1 Alexa

1 Legal

1 Retail

1 Selling Partner Service


116 Sales, Advertising and Account Management

41 Business and Merchant Development

31 PM (non-Tech)

28 Marketing

26 Solution Architect

18 HR

18 Machines Learning Service

16 Hardware Development

15 Fulfillment and Operation

14 Business Intelligence

11 Software Development

10 Finance and Global Business

9 Investigation and Loss Prevention

9 Supply Chain/Transportation

6 PM (Tech)

5 Editorial, Writing, Content Management

4 Operation, IT, Support Engineering

3 Admin

2 Database Administration

1 Buying, Planning, Instock Management

其中47 個缺是主管,359 是 Individual Contributor

資訊來源:亞馬遜招聘官網 https://www.amazon.jobs/en/locations/shanghai-china


從亞馬遜上海的職缺看得出來,上海基本上就是個龐大的買家團隊,再加上一些 AWS 以及廣告當配角。賣家團隊裡頭,最多的職缺是 BD, Sales, Advertisement and Account Management 等招募、維繫賣家關係的工作。有一些PM職缺,但PM職缺比 Engineers 還多,這可以看得出這些PM工作應該是跟其他地點的工程師合作,或是做一些當地流程進化的工作。

照慣例,需要幫忙內推的,可以把履歷(不是 LinkedIn喔,內推系統需要履歷表) 以及Job ID 私訊給我,我找人幫你內推。



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